About Us
St. James Episcopal Church is part of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas and located in Del Rio, Texas, the county seat of Val Verde County. It is 150 miles west of San Antonio, on the banks of the San Felipe Springs, near the Rio Grande River. As the only Episcopal Church in Del Rio, the St. James parish membership reflects the community population of active duty military, government employees, educators, professionals, ranchers, business owners, retirees, and all ethnic groups. Everyone is cordially welcome!
Presiding Bishop: The Most Rev. Michael Curry
Diocesan Bishop: The Rt. Rev. David Reed
Priest in Charge ~ The Rev. Arnoldo L. Romero
Church Secretary ~ Liz Miller
Music ~ David Zamora
Head of School ~ Niki Weston
Facebook Streaming - Hector Lopez
St. James Vestry Officers: St. James Vestry Members: Bookkeeper:
Sr. Warden ~ Michaelanna Hunter Sara Winters Twila Barnett
Jr. Warden ~ Sarah Roche Moreman Ginny Cordell
Clerk ~ Mayra Alvarado-Lopez Brenda Hunter

St. James Episcopal Church is part of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas